Ribbon Embroidery Tips and Frequently Asked Questions.

 The Most Frequently Asked Questions in an Embroidery Masterclass.

Image courtesy of Pinterest
Hi dear friends. welcome back to another masterclass from Deonne's World. 
In our masterclass today we are going to talk about one of my favorite forms of
embroidery… Ribbon embroidery.

Usually in the Deonne’s World workshops and master classes, we spend time discussing this form of embroidery; its pros and cons, and the skill tips that make our embroidery pop.

Today I will answer a few frequently asked questions and I will share a few tips with you. These topics and more are discussed in detail in my master classes at Deonne’s World.

Choosing Your Fabric

One of the most frequent questions I am asked by my students is “What fabric should I use?” The answer… it is possible to work on any fabric, however, choose a fabric that is easiest to work on. An embroidery landscape artist will embroider on canvas.

With any embroidery technique, the fabrics I prefer working with are natural fabrics like cotton, raw silk, linens, and linen/cotton blends.

For students beginning embroidery, I would suggest a cotton fabric in a neutral or pastel color, such as off-white or pale green... any pale color will do. This will help you find your feet as you learn the basics and gain confidence and experience. 

Why Use a Backing Fabric

When doing ribbon embroidery as with any heavy embroidery techniques, back your fabric with a piece of cotton muslin, and you then work your embroidery through the two layers of fabric.

The reasons for using backing fabrics are;

 1. It allows you to start and end off easily and 2. It supports heavy embroidery stitches.

How Do I Get That Lovely 3D Effect for My Ribbon Flowers?

The 3D effect lies in the position and draping of the ribbon on the surface of the material.

Always work ribbon embroidery in a hoop or frame; this holds the fabric taut and also allows the ribbon to lie and drape on the surface beautifully.

It also makes working the ribbon stitches easier to have the hoop or frame on an embroidery stand, as this affords your two hands freedom to control the ribbons; however, this is not a hard and fast rule. I have done excellent work without a stand, I simply put down the hoop when the need arises in order to control the ribbon.

My two rules for an artistic finish are:

1. Be gentle and 

2. Control the ribbon until you achieve the overall effect you are looking for.

Takeaway Tips for Getting a Professional Finish With Your Ribbons

Image courtesy of Pinterest

  • Choose good quality ribbons designed for ribbon embroidery.

  • Select the correct ribbon width for your design...

    The wider the ribbon, the bigger the impact. A thinner ribbon will give a daintier effect and is good for smaller flowers.

  • Use gentle tension to maneuver the ribbon into its ideal position.

  • Work with short lengths of ribbon, rather than longer lengths to keep the spring and shape in the ribbon and prevent wear.

Explore and Experiment Until You Find Your Expressive Style.

An expressive style is an effect that your finished work conveys and is a combination of materials, color, texture, and detail; all working together to create your result.

Some artists are known for soft finishes and attention to detail; others are famous for bold colors with little to no detail. Some do garden landscapes, while others create beautiful florals of popping color.

Which one are you? The way to find out is to create both styles and focus on which one you enjoyed the most... This will be your expressive style.

In conclusion

My advice to all students is; you need to know who you are as an embroidery artist. It’s only then that you can enjoy your art and create pieces that sell, and the first and best step to finding yourself is to experiment.

The techniques of embroidery we use today were the result of someone experimenting with ideas and after perfecting the idea, they taught others. Who would have thought that sewing with ribbon would become a thing!

So learn all you can and when you have done that, don’t be afraid to experiment; to create within the boundaries of good taste, using your knowledge of basic embroidery techniques to your advantage.

In my next masterclass, I will introduce you to combining ribbon embroidery with other forms of embroidery. Talk to you then. 


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