The Story of Music. Two facts in the Case.


We have Music so we can understand  

The story
of music and why I chose to teach it.

I am Janice Deonne, musician and teacher for over 30 years. 

I am often asked why I chose a life of music… instead of being a doctor or a lawyer or something important. The thought that someone would choose to be a musician and choose to teach it too; is something beyond reason to some. “It’s just a waste of time; a waste of life” … right?

A life without music?

I always answer with this question... can you imagine life without music?
No romantic serenades; no lively pop songs; no stirring symphonies; no inspirational lyrics, and our favorite movies would not have the same appeal without their film scores, written by some of the world's best musicians of the twentieth and twenty first centuries.

Quite a few of us would consider a world without music a dull, even unappealing world to live in. However, that’s just what we would have, without the gift of music.

Is music really a gift?

Why do I call it a gift? Because music has a power over human emotion that can only be heaven-sent, since it speaks straight to our heart.

Music appeals to virtually every human emotion… It soothes and excites us, uplifts and inspires us. It moves us to ecstasy or reduces us to tears.

Music also has a very long, culturally diverse history. Archaeological evidence indicates that centuries before our Common Era, African tribes played drums, horns, and bells. The ancient Chinese played a form of mouth organ and panpipes. The peoples of Egypt, India, Israel, and Mesopotamia played the harp.

What most don’t know; however, is that long before that the Bible refers to the existence of music
that goes back before the Flood, to the seventh generation after Adam. Naming Jubal as “the founder of all those who handle the harp and the pipe” (Genesis 4:21. the Bible); indicating that this may describe the inventor of the first musical instruments or perhaps even the establishment of some kind of musical profession… or both!

The conclusion of the matter is...

So, with the power that music has and the rich history that comes with it, I’d say, I was off to a pretty good start in choosing my profession, and I wouldn’t give up my life as a musician and teacher for any other profession in the world.

I can’t imagine my life without music in it. Whether I’m playing electronic organ; drums; keyboard; or singing my heart out, I was born with a song in my heart…that was God’s gift to me. And I have immense satisfaction passing it on.


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