
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Healing Power of Music

  How Music Heals the Troubled Soul An Orchestra in Performance is a Special Experience I ’m sharing this story with you because it has been source of inspiration for me over the years and I have used it to inspire my students, hoping to develop in them a love for the music that has filled my life. The story is not mine and so I am sharing just a part of it... Excerpts from the personal account of Byron Janis.  world-renowned concert pianist particularly known for his interpretations of Chopin and Rachmaninoff.  “What extraordinary gift has music given us besides its beauty. It has a scientifically proven ability to help heal both physical and psychological problems. Listening to your favorite music does help, but playing an instrument has a greater success. Playing well or badly doesn’t matter; you can come away with a feeling of well-being. Music’s healing powers, which Pythagoras called “musical medicine,” have been the leitmotif of my career. After a few days I came up with a

The Story of Music. Two facts in the Case.

  We have Music so we can understand   The story of music and why I chose to teach it . I am Janice Deonne, musician and teacher for over 30 years.  I am often asked why I chose a life of music… instead of being a doctor or a lawyer or something important. The thought that someone would choose to be a musician and choose to teach it too; is something beyond reason to some. “It’s just a waste of time; a waste of life” … right? A life without music? I always answer with this question... can you imagine life without music? No romantic serenades; no lively pop songs; no stirring symphonies; no inspirational lyrics, and our favorite movies would not have the same appeal without their film scores, written by some of the world's best musicians of the twentieth and twenty first centuries. Quite a few of us would consider a world without music a dull, even unappealing world to live in. However, that’s just what we would have, without the gift of music. Is music really a gift? Why