
Showing posts from May, 2023

Hand Embroidery Tips That Make You an Embroidery Artist.

  Welcome to your hand embroidery lesson on skill tips and common mistakes t hat you need to avoid . It’s wonderful that you decided to take the plunge and with a few quick and simple habits you will, in time, become a good artist. While it is important to practice your stitch techniques, your skills as an artist will develop with the integration of simple tips and avoiding the mistakes that we all start out making. We don’t have to learn things the hard way these days, and knowing what to do is effortless when it becomes second nature to you . W hat size needle should I use? The most popular embroidery needles are needles 7 through 9. However, for embroidery,  there is no hard and fast rule as to the needle you use. I find that knowing your needles is important. Through experience, I learned that for embroidery to be neat and elegantly finished, t he use of thin needles with long eyes works pretty well . Th ese can carry more than one strand of thread when necessary