
Showing posts from April, 2023

The Ketogenic Diet and Me

  My Pros and Cons of the Keto Diet. Yes, we have all heard of it and in my last article, I discussed how I came to be on a Ketogenic diet. I also mentioned some of the significant limitations I came across. I think it’s time I talked about, why I call the standard Keto diet limiting. The whole experience from that first shopping trip to four months on Keto was a continuous tweaking session. now I finally have a diet that works well for me. These are my pros and cons of the Ketogenic diet. A One-Size-Fits-All Diet I suppose; one-size-fits-all is a good thing, if you’ve got a diet that works. However, as an international diet, I found that the standard Keto diets do not fit every individual. There are a lot of factors that bear upon an individual on Keto like environment, and where in the world they live when on this diet, especially if you plan to change your diet habits for life. The standard Keto diet for autoimmune disease d id not take into account factors like a country’ s

How I Did Keto On A Budget

  The Ketogenic Diet on a Budget When I launched into months of research it was to find a natural way of healing or dealing with rheumatoid arthritis. I was already on a low carbohydrate diet; one that I composed myself, where any carbs that I took in were vegetable carbs in potatoes and its cousin's sweet potato, and cassava. Any others were extremely small amounts of whole wheat and rice. Pushed into a Keto diet as a recourse to a life with less pain and symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis , I was quite skeptical, as I am of all diets, because they start out as the newest, best thing and then fall flat of the predicted results; some, with their powders, pills, and shakes causing irreparable damage to one's health. Well, little did I know that the Ketogenic diet in a place called Ceylon (Sri Lanka) would be a rather interesting experience. How I Came Across the Keto Diet I decided that research was the first step and that’s what I did. I found that there wasn’t m