
Showing posts from March, 2023

A Designers World

  Behind the Scenes at Deonne's World Let’s face it there are so many brands and Ideas that appear all over the world. Some are world-famous. Others are “one-day wonders”, that pop-up and are gone before you know it. Yet there are some brands that last; not because they are world-famous but because they create something that keeps bringing clients back for more. I am one of these clients. T oday, I decided to sit down with one of my favorite designer s and ask her a few questions. I’m going to take you behind the scenes into Deonne’s World and the personality behind the name . Deonnes’ home base is in Sri Lanka where she lives and works and I happened to discover her brand at one “women in business” coffee mornings in Colombo many years ago. H ow did you get into the art of embroidery and desig n ? M y mother and grandmother  were the dressmakers and embroiders in my family; known to their clients for “the neatest sewing and embroidery” so I was exposed to sewing and

Embroidery Therapy... and You

  Embroidery Art for Stress Long gone are the days when the women of the house ended their day with a spot of mending or embroidery, by a warm fire; the days when clothes were sewn at home and embellished and mended. Today, mindfulness is having its moment. In the fast-paced, technological world extreme stress is not new to young or old and m ost of us deal with it,  and the ailments that accompany it mostly through drugs. However, in many areas of the globe; treatments such as art therapy , music therapy , and now, embroidery therapy is making inroads as a way to relieve stress. The ability to relax at these most stressful times of life is indeed a positive attribute to cultivate. Embroidery Therapy... a New Thing? In some ways, the matriarchs of yesteryear had it right though they didn’t know it as the word stress was not yet invented. Sewing to aid psychological trauma is not a new thing. First world war veterans in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand practiced