
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Beginners First Steps to Embroidery

  the Art of Embroidery Stitches If you’re like me and you find immense satisfaction in the work of your hands; then you will agree that the art of hand embroidery and its accompanying variants is a past-time that bestows hours of stress-free, comforting delight. And when something so enjoyable is also your profession life is blessed. For those beginning this art, it’s easy to get started creating something wonderful and there are so many stitches that you can use in new and different ways . L earning all that’s necessary to be good at the art can be a daunting task of learning, then practicing and perfecting; however, keep at it, it’s worth the effort. What is Embroidery? Embroidery is the art of sewing beautiful embroidery stitches on fabric with embroidery thread and other materials. It involves depicting beautiful designs on fabric and can be done by hand or by sewing machine. Embroidery Sewing machines use a zig-zag stitch to create different types of embroidery designs.

Threads of time.

The History Behind the Art of Sewing.  In this post Covid 19 world, with the economy in decline, women are slowly having to face the task of finding work to supplement the family income or accommodate a bulging budget. Many have turned to the opportunity of working from home as jobs in the office work force has taken a hit. Many have turned to the home arts for inspiration and income, me included, and the art of sewing is one of the avenues open to us artistic types. With this newfound  necessity and interest, it would be nice to reassure ourselves that our chosen pursuit is not a mindless past time but has a rich history and technique; passed down to us by cherished hands… our mothers, aunts and caring teachers. What is sewing? Simply put, it’s the craft of fastening material together, be it leather, cloth, canvas etc. using stitches made with a needle and thread. Over the years, the art of sewing came to include needlecraft ; as clothing featured embroidery , ribbon embroid

How to Motivate a Child to Practice

  Tips on good music practice habits.   It takes a certain kind of inspiration! Of all the challenges parents have in handling their kid’s music lessons (buying an instrument and finding the right music teacher); getting kids to practice is the most daunting of all. And parents who have not had music lessons themselves don’t really know where to start. Teachers have to face the challenge that once a child leaves the class, little or no homework is done until they come back to class the following week. Because of this the child’s progress is slow and they give up music; thinking that music is boring and therefore not for them. Parents think, “I pay for lessons, yet my son or daughter isn’t learning anything”. They too are quite happy to give up music lessons. So, teachers and parents; let's explore how we can motivate our young students toward good practice habits. Why do children dislike practicing? To a child of any young age, the word practice has no shape or form that

6 Baking Mistakes and How to Avoid Them.

  Top tier of a Golden Wedding Anniversary cake. So, you’re standing in your kitchen, staring at the cake in disbelief. This wonderful creation that you’ve been planning is completely ruined. It’s dry, it’s stuck to the baking pan, and it’s sunk in the middle. You tell yourself that you did everything you were supposed to do. you greased the pan and measured out the ingredients as required. You preheated the oven to the right temperature; in short, you followed the directions completely! What could possibly have gone wrong? We have all been here. So, let me tell you why sometimes, in spite of following the directions perfectly; things can still go wrong. Here are 6 baking mistakes we all made in the beginning. Opening the oven door too often? I know it’s tempting. The temptation to open that oven door just to have a look at how the baking is coming along... Your so excited you can just taste it. Or if you're not sure the baking time is enough, you might keep opening the