
Showing posts from November, 2022


  Turning awkward musical moments into learning experiences. The embarrassment of a mistake is very often hard to deal with and sometimes one mistake creates in us negative feelings; the thought that we can’t do something even though we really want to. Accidents are all part of the creative process .  We need to except that as humans, being imperfect, we mess things up from time to time.   “While everything goes perfectly  sometimes  nothing goes perfectly all the time.”   How we deal with those little mishaps, is what will determine whether we follow our dreams or give up because we are afraid to make a mistake. So, w hy not turn each awkward moment into a learning experience or even skills, if we can? As any experienced musician will tell you, we all have our share of embarrassing musical moments, and in the world of music, making a mistake isn’t always a bad thing. I’m going to tell you why. Mistakes can create composers In an earlier article I mentioned a rather large blund

Organic Food and the Organic Home Garden.

  What is organic food? Is it different from genetically modified food? What are the differences? Is it possible to sustain an organic home garden?   I like to think that the delicious meals that grace my dinner table are not just the result of good recipes and well-practiced  technique; but healthy too. So,  when deciding to switch to the healthy alternatives of several ingredients, a few years ago, I found I was faced with a few questions; the answers for which got me interested in unraveling the secrets of food. Hi everyone. welcome to my blog. To begin with, I had some initial questions came up. I had so many different ideas that it was hard to know which ones correct and which ones were  hearsay. Questions like what  organic food is.  Is it different from genetically modified food? What are the differences? Is it possible to sustain an organic home garden?   The general idea in Sri Lanka, the country where I’m from, is that organic food is genetically modified. This belief fuels

How to Conquer Stage Fright

  How to Stop Shaking and Start Playing! So… you’re backstage waiting to go on. There’s a certain feeling in the pit of your stomach and a fine sweat on your brow. The lights go up; you walk on stage and take a seat, place your hands on the keys… from first note to last, it’s a success! As musicians we all go through it. Some of us rely on it to tell us every thing’s alright and we may even fail without it… it's called anticipatory tension (nerves). With most of us, the nervousness only lasts as long as the first few notes. But for some of us the nerves take over and we find ourselves immobilized and unable to carry out the simplest of musical tasks in the sight of others. This is stage fright. Why is it so hard for some? It could be that they suffer from a nervous disorder. But unless you have been diagnosed with a nervous disorder, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have something so serious.  Often, it’s something simple… like what? Nervousness can be caused by

A Baker’s Tips for the Perfect Bake.

  The Recipe for Trouble Free Baking. The question “what’s your secret?” or “How do you do it? You bake such delicious things; I just have to know!” somehow seems to accompany  the dishes I lift out of the oven… the delicious aroma that fills my kitchen always means people want to know... As if it were just one thing (my secret!) and if knowing it and using it, would give them the same result. The truth is,  as any good baker will tell you, for the best baking it's just being good at what you do, and for that there are a few simple rules. So,  here’s my “secret” recipe for trouble free baking. Start with a reliable recipe. No matter what that best friend who “bakes without recipes” says, c orrect measures and clear directions are important for successful baking . Here’s the reason why. For any  mouthwatering  dish to be just right in the end, it needs a perfect road map to get there. A nd following the measurements and directions to the letter is all part of it.