
The Ketogenic Diet with a Sri Lankan Food.

How to be on a Ketogenic Diet with Sri Lankan Food  Hello everyone. For those of you who have read my story , and why I researched and opted for a Ketogenic diet , the one thing that I needed help with was the unavailability of some Keto food and the pricey food available on the Keto food list. So when Keto doctors say "Eat only the food on the list and nothing else", this presented a problem for me. “ Why couldn’t we have a Keto diet that worked well for everyone?” I wondered.  However, there has never been nor can there ever be anything man-made that benefits everyone best. And the Ketogenic diet is no exception. What was I going to do about it? I couldn’t give up, because in my case it was a medical  necessity , not a Fad.  So back to the research board, I went. What could I eat in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) that would keep me in Ketosis… in effect, “ A Sri Lankan Ketogenic Diet ”? Sri Lankan Ketogenic Vegetables, and Leaves As it turns out, quite a lot. And Heave

How to Create an Embroidery Color Palette from Scratch.

 Let's Create a Color Palette! Students reading my article on understanding color   often ask... “ How can I put together a color palette ? ” And so, I thought I would deal with that question, in short . O f course, the best way to learn to put together a color palette of your own; is to first understand how color works and it helps to have the guidance of someone proficient, as it is when learning any thing new. Once you have conquered the color wheel the next thing is to practice putting together your colors. Whether you choose to use this article as a guide or not, or even agree with it, is entirely up to you. I acknowledge, that there may be different ways of doing things and you may have a better way. I do concede, however, that this way has simplified what could be a confusing lesson for a beginner. A step-by-step plan. The easiest way for those new to color creation to get started creating their color palettes is to do them step-by-step. Here’s a four-step guide

Combining Ribbon Embroidery with other Forms of Embroidery

  Hi dear friends. Welcome to another creative masterclass with me, Deonne D.  Today let's talk about creating something special by Combining ribbon embroidery with other embroidery techniques . I teach the complete practical dimensions of this in my advance ribbon embroidery course at Deonne’s World. Here I will cover the basic idea in a little detail. Ribbon embroidery is delicate and takes patience to work and it is pleasing and homey to the eye. However, ribbon stitches on their own give your creation an over-the-top, heavy, unnatural appearance. This is a problem easily sorted. The idea of combining other types of embroidery with your ribbons now comes into focus. Yes you read right… other types of embroidery. Not other types of embroidery techniques recreated in ribbon; but the embroideries themselves; with their materials, and techniques. What embroidery? How can combining embroideries make a work pop? Embroideries that Complement Ribbon Embroidery. Now don’t

Ribbon Embroidery Tips and Frequently Asked Questions.

  The Most Frequently Asked Questions in an Embroidery Masterclass. Image courtesy of Pinterest Hi dear friends. welcome back to another masterclass from Deonne's World.  In our masterclass today we are going to talk about one of my favorite forms of embroidery… Ribbon embroidery. Usually in the Deonne’s World workshops and master classes, we spend time discussing this form of embroidery; its pros and cons, and the skill tips that make our embroidery pop. Today I will answer a few frequently asked questions and I will share a few tips with you. These topics and more are discussed in detail in my master classes at Deonne’s World. Choosing Your Fabric One of the most frequent questions I am asked by my students is “What fabric should I use?” The answer… it is possible to work on any fabric, however, choose a fabric that is easiest to work on. An embroidery landscape artist will embroider on canvas. With any embroidery technique, the fabrics I prefer working with are natural

Hand Embroidery Tips That Make You an Embroidery Artist.

  Welcome to your hand embroidery lesson on skill tips and common mistakes t hat you need to avoid . It’s wonderful that you decided to take the plunge and with a few quick and simple habits you will, in time, become a good artist. While it is important to practice your stitch techniques, your skills as an artist will develop with the integration of simple tips and avoiding the mistakes that we all start out making. We don’t have to learn things the hard way these days, and knowing what to do is effortless when it becomes second nature to you . W hat size needle should I use? The most popular embroidery needles are needles 7 through 9. However, for embroidery,  there is no hard and fast rule as to the needle you use. I find that knowing your needles is important. Through experience, I learned that for embroidery to be neat and elegantly finished, t he use of thin needles with long eyes works pretty well . Th ese can carry more than one strand of thread when necessary

The Ketogenic Diet and Me

  My Pros and Cons of the Keto Diet. Yes, we have all heard of it and in my last article, I discussed how I came to be on a Ketogenic diet. I also mentioned some of the significant limitations I came across. I think it’s time I talked about, why I call the standard Keto diet limiting. The whole experience from that first shopping trip to four months on Keto was a continuous tweaking session. now I finally have a diet that works well for me. These are my pros and cons of the Ketogenic diet. A One-Size-Fits-All Diet I suppose; one-size-fits-all is a good thing, if you’ve got a diet that works. However, as an international diet, I found that the standard Keto diets do not fit every individual. There are a lot of factors that bear upon an individual on Keto like environment, and where in the world they live when on this diet, especially if you plan to change your diet habits for life. The standard Keto diet for autoimmune disease d id not take into account factors like a country’ s